Beauty Tips
Useful tips on how to be beautiful at all times

Apply sunscreen everyday

Apply a sunscreen cream every day before you go out, no matter whether it is blazing heat or cloudy outside. This will protect your skin from sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Rinse your hair with a combination of lemon juice and chamomile tea

Rinsing your hair with a combination of lemon juice and chamomile tea allows you to lighten your hair permanently. You can then sit in the sun to get your hair dried or use blow dryer to achieve the same effect.

Avoid overusing makeup

Avoid getting too much makeup unless you really need it. Instead, try to sport your natural look as much as you can. This will allow your skin to breathe, which will in the long run be beneficial for you. You can also try out natural products like coconut oil to clean and bring up your natural skin tone.

Avoid overusing makeup

August 1, 2014
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